International Day of Forests is celebrated every year to spread awareness to guarantee feasible forest management and biodiversity preservation.

There is great importance of conserving forests from destruction and need to embrace new technology in forest conservation.

WWANC joined the world in making this year’s International Day of Forests whose theme was Forests and Innovation.

Mr. Ladislaus Okoth (ITF) represented the organization at Kibiri in Vihiga County where stakeholders expressed their commitment to protect the forests as part of the efforts to mitigate effects of climate change.

In Malava, Women’s Earth Alliance (WEA) team joined learners at Wavoka Primary School, and Modern and Muche women groups to mark the day.

They sensitized the learners on the importance of planting trees and protecting our forests from degradation.

And in Nandi County, members planted 20 trees at St Paul’s Awros Primary School and trained the community on tree nursery as they marked the day.

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