Theme: Make it possible for people to lift themselves out of extreme poverty in a sustainable manner.
The SELF HELP GROUP APPROACH (SHG) is a concept where women’s capacity is built socially, economically and politically through capacity building. The project works with the vulnerable women clustered as category 3. (the very vulnerable those living below 1 dollar per day) poor of the poorest.
The women (SHGs) under this project are from same social status, after several stages of formation, where we have five stages namely below, a group of 15 -20 women or more but not exceeding 20 come together to form a group and the trainings begin in stages from module 1-9. By the time the women are at module 9 their social status has improved and one can easily tell by the way they interact to each other. Self-esteem, able to raise a voice and ask or participate in decision making. Economically good to go able to support their families financially and speak in one voice (have the bargaining power). They now graduate to Cluster Level Association (CLA) 8 – 10 SHGs which consists of 180 – 200 women. There after they will also form Federation which will be a combination of 18 – 20 SHGs 1800 – 2000 Women