The program entails forestation and afforestation of degraded natural forest lands by involving the community to plant indigenous trees in restoration, conservation and protection of the forest.
2. Women Earth Alliance (WEA)
This is a project tailored around Grassroots women to be at the forefront in tackling climate change crisis.
3. Self Help Group Approach (SHGA)
The SELF HELP GROUP (SHG) program is a concept where women’s capacity is built socially, economically and politically through capacity building.
The project works with the vulnerable women clustered as category 3. (the very vulnerable & those living below 1 dollar per day).
4. River Yala Water Fund
The project targets to conserve and protect River Yala eco-systems by offering alternative livelihoods to the community to take part in protecting River Yala Catchment areas.
5. Pro-Soil Project (GIZ)
The Project has focus on encouraging sustainable land management practices to address the challenges of soil erosion and degradation of water resources
6. TerraFund
The project is aimed at restoring, conserving and protecting the Maasai Mau Forest from further degradation