The organization made a major milestone towards the formation of a Federation by 2026 when it formed its sixth Cluster Level Association (CLA).

By forming Ouchiriri CLA in Navakholo Sub County, WWANC made a step towards the formation of the Federation which will enable members to lobby for development initiatives like construction of social amenities and infrastructure in their area.

“For us to form the Federation, we need 13 CLAs. So far, we have formed 6 CLAs and we expect to reach 13 CLAs by 2026 so that we can form the Federation,” said Samuel Makheti, the Project Officer for Self Help Group Association (SHGA).

SHGA is a concept where women’s capacities are enhanced socially, economically, and politically through capacity development. The project works with the most vulnerable women clustered as category 3. (The very vulnerable those living below 1 dollar per day) i.e. poor of the poorest.

The project focuses on women having a voice in society starting from the household level and making it possible for people to uplift themselves out of extreme poverty in a sustainable manner.

It places a strong emphasis on women’s involvement in forming and managing self-help groups, Cluster Level Associations (CLA), and other community-based structures, ensuring their representation from households to the broader community level.

WWANC is currently implementing the SHGA project in three sub-locations of Navakholo Sub-County: Shinoyi, Shikomari, and Esumeiya.

So far, WWANC has established 99 SHGs and 6 CLAs, benefiting 1,240 households and 1916 children.

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