The organization has started restoration and conservation of 200 hectares of forest land in Mau Forest in Narok County under Terra Fund.

The women led community forest conservation initiative in Mau Forest ecosystem targets to plant 200,000 indigenous trees as part of the efforts to save the forest from degradation.

Mau forest serves as water catchment area for various rivers in the region.

The project has contracted over 100 casual staff with majority being women.

According to the Project coordinator Ms. Winnie Juma, the project will also involve planting 15,000 fruit trees under agroforestry.

“We also intend to have an agroforestry project where 15 hectares of farmlands will be restored,” said Ms. Juma.

She noted that the project aims at setting up three community tree nurseries by the end of the year

Earlier, stakeholders from the national and County governments and WWANC held a consultative meeting to form a committee that will oversee implantation of the project.

During the meeting Ms. Juma was appointed as Secretary of the Committee to fast track the project and develop measures how the local community will benefit from the project.

The team led by their chairman Mr. Felix Kisalu who is the Deputy County Commissioner for Narok South expressed their commitment to support the project.

Present during the meeting were; Dr. Paul Mutebi (WWANC Board representative), Mr. Moses Okanya (D/CEO WWANC), Mrs. Florence Mwachoki (Kenya Water Towers), Mr. Mkung Daniel (Kenya Forest Service), Mr. Liaxam Molai (Department of Environment, Narok County) and Mr. Bernard Kimeto.

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