Women Earth Alliance (WEA)

Women Earth Alliance Project is a project fully funded by Women Earth Alliance and is revolving around creating a resilient community focusing more on women. Why women yet we are all affected by effects of climate change?

Since time immemorial, women have been the most effected with all sorts of calamities related to climate change and the cultural aspect.

The project is focusing on capacity building of the women who are socially and economically disadvantaged. The critical failure in leadership, governance and management that have created gross poverty and unemployment levels among the women both in urban and rural communities.

This project is championing women and climate change through forest conservation. The main target is to bring women together in groups and building more circles, generating multiple benefits, safe and just conditions for each other in, economic prosperity, protection of water, food, and energy sources, peace and stability.

Some of the programs being implemented are;

  • Women & forest initiative
  • Entrepreneurship training & mentorship
  • Covid 19 & climate resilience

Activities include;

  • Restoration of Kakamega ecosystem through construction of water tanks, spring protection, planting of indigenous trees along riparian land and forests which will help reduce pressure on the forest
  • Building a team of women accelerators who are championing climate change mitigation to the grassroot women
  • Women in business – entrepreneurship trainings, building the women’s capacity in
  • business (women able to start small business)
  • WASH – hygiene through soap making which has become a source of income and also for hygiene at household levels.

During the second quarter of the Climate Resilience and COVID-19 Response project that was implemented between the month of July -November a number of activities were accomplished as follows;

  • Trained 4,398 grassroots women on climate resilience and covid-19 in 9 counties across Kenya on basic on Climate change, Leadership, Strategic and Technical skills/ training for women leader to scale their climate and environmental initiatives e.g. Kitchen garden, soap making and installing energy saving cook stove
  • Building the capacity of women to establish climate smart enterprises that are innovative and easily adoptable at grassroots level
  • Training on energy saving cookstoves
  • Reforestation of Kakamega Tropical Rain Forest through planting of 16,180 trees in the natural forest
  • Promotion of Agroforestry practices that entail planting of 3000 trees in farmlands intercropping with other crops